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Friday, August 3, 2012


Posted by mint dreamz at 11:02 AM 0 comments
Its been a very hectic day,seconds,hours,nite and so on! many things have happened. But i guess i no this one thing. well this"one thing" is not worth talking about and probably will annoyed you. BUT i must make this clear to myself and to that half human:D never once i regret "breaking" IT up with you, if i had known you were that type of person i would have stayed FAR AWAY FROM YOU! this thing began your precious girlfren said some stuff to me. TO me it was offensive and rude. And after that i've tried to avoid your GIRLFREN and i find it hard to talk to her. SUDDENLY she got mad at me for n0t talking to her.HAHAHA! and then SUDDENLY YOU STARTED ACTING WEIRD AND it looks like YOU TOO are mad at me! and then CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG you said that im always thinking that i was always correct. WELL IF IS A CORRECT THING! all you everr do is backstabbing, backmouthing ME! I've been through challenges, experiences and all kinds of memory. IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TYPE OF PERSON I AM, I SUGGEST YOU TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH!:D
WELCOME2 to my fairytail~~ have a sit and enjoy the excitement!!